Part 30 of 365 Money Saving Ideas
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Can you guess one of the biggest money wasting things in households.? I would bet you have had this happen to you in the last month.
The past few years have been tough for the entire world and now we must cope with rising prices on everything without the wage increases to match.
And as you know fixed incomes can only stretch so far. I encourage you to look for the little ideas that you can do to save money on the things you are already doing. In the big picture the little bits do add up.
So, I thought I would share how I store my fruit and vegetables, so you aren’t throwing money in the bin every week. I try and use everything and throw very little away.
Watch the Video for all my Ideas
Join me for simple dollar saving tips and household hacks
And the secret is storing them well, so they last longer, and you buy less.
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